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'Master of Material' Series begins

'Master of Material' Series begins

Designers and artists play with many materials in the course of their creative lives.

Some mold a diverse mix, claiming a new material with each new product or project.

Others find their work leading them to a single, signature material. Over the years, this old friendship with one physical medium makes them masters–generating an absolute ownership of a material, which allows them to push the boundaries in powerful ways.

'Master of Material' is a series about these designers, artists and makers.

Clay, Paint, Ice, Resin and Paper are the mediums we illustrate, as we investigate and share the work of Artists Brian Huber, Patricia Mato-Mora, Joshua Abarbanel; Paper engineer Matthew Shlian and designer Saerom-Yoon.

Follow this series of dialogues and studies, with us, over the next two and half weeks.

The Polymorphism of Paint by Brian Huber

The Polymorphism of Paint by Brian Huber

Amplifying Nature–Jessica Bizzoni's 'Sound Zen Gardens'

Amplifying Nature–Jessica Bizzoni's 'Sound Zen Gardens'